回复 :A fascinating exploration, in 2 episodes, of the global phenomena of skyscrapers over 300 m tall. From the world's tallest buildings to those currently under construction, engineer Rob Bell goes on a journey to uncover the secrets of these giants. Episode 1 sets out to reveal what is driving the revolution in super skyscrapers and the challenges involved in the design and construction of the foundations and the super structures of these towers.https://sharethefiles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=275909
回复 :传奇钢索特技家族瓦伦达家族的第七代传人-尼克瓦伦达(Nikolas "Nik" Wallenda),继2012年6月刷新百年纪录成功横越尼加拉瓜瀑布之后,今年他将再次挑战自我,在无使用任何安全防护的情况下,横越美国大峡谷,他说:「这次我将走在只有5公分宽的纲索上,它是分隔我和大峡谷底的唯一东西!」Discovery频道《钢索人瓦伦达大峡谷特集》将独家全球实况转播这历史性的一刻,见证瓦伦达横越总距离长达400公尺、深达457公尺的大峡谷,这比尼加拉瓜瀑布的......
回复 :天赋异禀的家庭厨师们在比赛中大展厨艺,尽显创意,烹制简单又美味的快手菜肴,赢取巨额奖金