青青When a conman discovers his son is abducted, he is forced to drive the streets of Sydney completing an escalating series of trials to appease the kidnapper, and atone for his career of deception.
青青When a conman discovers his son is abducted, he is forced to drive the streets of Sydney completing an escalating series of trials to appease the kidnapper, and atone for his career of deception.
回复 :Seasoned horse jockey Jackson (Clifton Collins Jr.) has weathered decades of races on the riding circuit, but he now finds himself facing what could be his last season as his health deteriorates. With the help of Ruth (Molly Parker) and a promising new horse, Jackson starts to prepare for the upcoming championship. His plans take a left turn when a budding young jockey (Moisés Arias) shows up and claims to be his son. Caught between yearning for a connection and uncertainty about his own future, Jackson confronts difficult questions regarding his legacy.
回复 :新宿歌舞伎町,鱼龙混杂,暗流涌动,诚为东京最混乱与危险之所在。一名警察在歌舞伎町被人杀害,犯人周润(益子和浩 饰)系一清秀少年,其背后靠山同时也是其同性爱人王志明(田口トモロヲ 饰)乃新宿最大华人帮派“龙爪”的魁首。第二代残留孤儿桐谷龙仁(椎名桔平 饰)负责调查此事,在追查期间,他偶然发现自己的亲弟弟义仁(井筒森介 饰)竟和此案有关。由于身份的原因,义仁始终找不到归属感和认同感,他决心利用这次机会出人头地。而龙仁为了保护弟弟,也不惜一切代价卷入这个肮脏罪恶的黑色漩涡之中……
回复 :家住广岛市的浦野丝丝(北川景子 饰)出生在一个售卖海苔紫菜的家庭,她自幼喜欢画画,性格天真烂漫。长大成人后,她嫁给了住在吴市的北条周作(小出惠介 饰),在陌生的城市展开了新的人生。在此期间,她结识了身份卑微的美丽女孩白木铃(优香 饰),两人原本情投意合,可是随着交往的发生她却察觉到好友和丈夫之间不寻常的关系。心思反乱之际,在广岛的初恋情人水原哲(速水重道 饰)也意外出现,北条夫妻的感情开始经历严峻的考验。而与此同时,战争的脚步越来越近,所有人的命运都被抛入血与火的漩涡之中。曾经的幸福浪漫不在,人们为了生存竭尽全力,疲于奔命……本片根据高野史代的漫画改编。