  时间:2025-01-30 15:40:46

故事发生在二十世纪三十年代,共产党的秘密会议遭到了国民党的突袭,一大批地下党不幸遭到逮捕。地下党负责人王峰(梁家辉 饰)布置下了紧急任务,因为党内的重要任务“王牌”就在被逮捕的地下党中。敌人亦知道他们捕获了大鱼,但苦于无法甄别王牌究竟是谁,经过调查和研究,他们将目标缩小到了赵碧薇(林志玲 饰)、苏捷(钟欣桐 饰)、王霞芬(蒙亭宜 饰)、施老师(苏瑾 饰)和小红五人身上。为了从五人口中逼问中所谓的真相,敌方不惜动用了各种各样残酷的刑罚,企图从身体和心灵上使王牌崩溃。一个谎言掩盖着另一个谎言,究竟谁才是王牌?




回复 :Sam (Matthew Broderick) is the reasonable man in a crazy urban world, the man of thoughtfulness and refined taste in a landscape of Leroy Neiman paintings and beer commercials. The guy would sooner cook for an hour over a hot stove than say `supersize it.'By day he's a store clerk in an upscale gourmet eatery, and these scenes raise a smile, especially for anyone who's visited the actual chain in New York City -- the portrayal isn't far off from the reality. Our man is besieged by hoards of customers who want their imported French cheese cut to impossibly exact standards. His efforts to remain outwardly polite (while you know he'd like to take the cleaver to the relentless clientele) are pretty funny, and will warm the hearts of clerks everywhere. In general, Broderick is in good form and provides the movie with most of whatever lightness it possesses.Sciorra's lovelorn dental hygienist, Ellen, is fine enough, too, and her unknowing interaction with our cheese-slicing hero shows some hopeful chemistry, and you may begin to feel you want to see these two get together.One of the main competitors for our lady's affections, a stockbroker (Kevin Anderson), is played as caricature he's the beer swilling frat-boy whose idea of after-sex sensitivity is flipping on the football game. He's kind of funny at times, but the movie might be stronger if he was written or acted for us to like him more, instead of having us merely recognize him as the flat-out `wrong' guy in comparison to Broderick's sensitive man. Think of John Candy in Splash, taking a cigarette and beer can to the racquetball game; we know his lifestyle is not the one our hero should emulate, but we can't help but be charmed by the likeable goon. Whereas this character is merely a goon, and pretty unlikable all around.While it's a nice enough light movie for the first half, for me the story was somewhat derailed by its unbelievable (Hollywood) presentation of sex and adultery. (SPOILER AHEAD, skip to next paragraph.) When Ellen returns home after an evening's misadventures, she is naturally faced with the questioning husband (Michael Mantell). Quickly admitting her own indiscretion, she then immediately turns the situation around, demanding to know why the guy had gone ahead and bought a house without discussing it. Granted, it's a valid issue, and granted, many people use this countering maneuver in arguments. What's unbelievable is what happens next the guy starts responding to her question, addressing the house-issue in a quiet, thoughtful manner. WHOA. You'd be hard pressed to find a married person in the world who, when faced with hisher partner's totally unexpected adultery, would be ready to address anything so calmly. The guy would surely be bouncing off the walls, or else crushed into silence and tears - but see, then we might actually feel for the poor schnook, and we'd see Sciorra's character in a poor light. And since that particular audience reaction doesn't serve the romantic comedy, the story tries to sneak around it. You may start to feel that, like the husband, you're being taken.Further dissatisfaction is just around the corner in the ending. We realize this is where misunderstandings will get sorted out, and our couple will finally see a clear path to one another. We want the satisfaction of rooting for them. But it's marred by another unbelievable character reaction, followed by an abrupt conclusion that feels rushed and forced, too easy and unearned. You may feel as though the movie's cheating on you again...



回复 :一对喜欢冒险的夫妇说服他们的朋友去探索澳大利亚北部森林中一个从未有人踏入的洞穴系统。忽然暴风雨来临,大家决定进入地下洞穴避难。不想洪水冲进了洞穴,氧气含量逐渐下降,大家被困在了一个完全未知的环境里。他们没有料到的是,潮湿的空气和不断上升的水位只是这次旅程最小的挑战,洪水还带来了最危险的捕食者:一群危险又饥饿的鳄鱼。当危险逐渐升温,这群朋友之间彼此隐瞒的秘密渐渐被揭开,他们争吵打斗、彼此背叛,只为在这个险境中生存下来。



回复 :过气影帝宇哥(吴镇宇饰)与当红童星费曼(费曼饰)因一场拍摄意外而陷入黑帮纷争的故事。失忆的宇哥意外“入戏”,以为自己就是真正的社团大哥,为了赚钱照顾儿子决定重出江湖,殊不知时代已经改变,引发一连串令人啼笑皆非的乌龙事件,更上演了险象环生的黑帮纷争……

