回复 :清康熙二年,八旗总教头高雄(高雄 饰)因触犯满汉通婚之法,被肃亲王指使蝙蝠法师(袁信义 饰)截杀,危急关头高雄绑架肃亲王的小贝勒出逃,岂料他意外将小贝勒勒死……十四年后,江湖上有“奇门”(梁家仁 饰)和“遁甲”(袁祥仁 饰)的师兄妹法力高强,虽然他们为人古怪但却不时造福一方,在奇门遁甲生活的镇上,就潜藏着隐姓埋名多年的高雄,高雄当年拾到一个孤儿“树根”(袁日初 饰),尽心尽力将其抚养成人。不久高雄身份暴露,蝙蝠法师再度追杀,并计划将树根伪装成昔日失踪的小贝勒,以便令自己控制朝廷。高雄力战蝙蝠法师身死,树根只得向奇门遁甲二人求助,随引发连场不可思议的法术对决……
回复 :
回复 :“An ordinary story, told in such an imaginary way. The Angel and The Devil, competing about Nikola, a twenty-and-something womanizing student of the world literature, a city's wise-guy whose cozy way of life is being roughly interrupted by impregnating Marina, a clumsy high school graduate at a party, who wants to keep the baby, while Nikola believes it's not necessary. Generations in Serbia knows to tell this film by heart, and I highly recommend it to anyone abroad because it's a great way of meeting and understanding Yugoslav pop culture.It also has an outstanding soundtrack.It's Srdjan Dragojevic's film-school graduation piece which shot him into instant fame."