草莓A medieval fantasy drama following the 'Knights of the Damned'.
草莓A medieval fantasy drama following the 'Knights of the Damned'.
回复 :In a small, remote village in upstate Quebec, things have changed. Locals are not the same anymore - their bodies are breaking down and they developed an outlandish attraction for flesh.
回复 :民国初年,飞贼案件频频发生,省城侦察队长奉命查办飞贼案件,途遇俊俏可爱的谢小蛮,在一系列的查案过程中,聪慧的小蛮常常想出绝妙的点子帮助队长,二人渐渐产生恋情。案件最终侦破,同时成就了一段美好姻缘。
回复 :几个热衷于在eBay上卖东西的年轻人,他们来到一个死去的人的准备将他的物品拿到网上拍卖时,发现这个死去的人电脑里收藏着一个网址: fourboxes.tv。打开这个网页后,他们发现里面有一个怪物通过出现在摄像头前……