回南Douglas Breen是一个孤独内向的唱片店员工,也是女星Sally Ross的狂热粉丝。他经常给Sally写信,但却一直未得到过回应.Sally的助理注意到了Douglas不正常的来信,并回信提出警告,这激怒了越来越走向极端的Douglas...
回南Douglas Breen是一个孤独内向的唱片店员工,也是女星Sally Ross的狂热粉丝。他经常给Sally写信,但却一直未得到过回应.Sally的助理注意到了Douglas不正常的来信,并回信提出警告,这激怒了越来越走向极端的Douglas...
回复 :With only nightmares for childhood memories, Lily Stone returns to her family home to find out what happened to her parents. Despite the locals' warnings about an evil presence cursing the house, Lily crosses the threshold and discovers not all the ghosts that haunt us are dead.
回复 :雙雙(許秋怡飾)本是官家小姐,惟不幸淪落風塵,被迫當娼。雙雙初傷心欲絕,意圖求死,幸得院內名妓綠喬(梁珮玲飾)悉心照顧,雙雙才振作做人,姊妹感情深厚。 後雙雙受新任千戶天(龍方飾)欺凌,喬不值所為與天對抗。喬及雙雙與天對抗,受盡凌辱,喬更被天挾持,情況危急,雙雙為救姊妹,誓要深入虎穴,與天拼一生死。
回复 :A skilled young female agent is tasked with capturing a rogue former agent before she can unleash a biological weapon starting with the wealthy and powerful purveyors of the international sex trade.