回复 :衣冠楚楚、左右逢源的林卓生(孙兴 饰)是娱乐圈小有名气的男星,虽然近些年人气直线下滑,甚至一度成为票房毒药,但是他还勉为其难顶着喜剧之王的桂冠苦苦支撑。从心底热爱表演的他厌烦经纪人Martin对其商业化的包装,更不愿为了名利向财大气粗的郭氏集团低头,如今他只想等合约期满后息影几年,找一个安静的所在好好休息一下。家住笑笑村的村长外甥刘威利(九孔 饰)新近因为投资事宜被村民们骂的狗血喷头,为了找到失踪的投资商,他带着神游天外的小饭馆厨子施大为(孙兴 饰)来到繁华大都会上海。因为一起偶然事件,长相一模一样的林卓生和施大为互换了身份。在全然陌生的环境里,他们各自上演了一连串始料未及的有趣故事……
回复 :In the futuristic city of Vanille, with properly tuned ImmerSyst Eyes & Ears the world can look and sound like a paradise. But the life of a father and his young son threatens to disintegrate when the father's device begins to fail. Desperate to avoid facing his own traumatic reality, the man must venture outside to find a replacement, into a city where violence and danger lurk beneath a skim of beautiful illusion.
回复 :A shipowner intends to scuttle his ship on its last voyage to get the insurance money. Charlie, a tramp in love with the owner's daughter, is grabbed by the captain and promises to help him shanghai some seamen. The daughter stows away to follow Charlie. Charlie assists in the galley and attempts to serve food during a gale.