回复 :昭和二十二年,北海道岩内某当铺一家三口被人杀害,店铺遭到焚毁。不久台风来临,行驶于津轻海峡的曾云号沉没,500多人丧生。警方在核对海难死者身份时,发现两具不明身份且伤痕可疑的尸体。经调查,得知二人系网走监狱的刑满释放人员沼田(最上逸馬 饰)和木岛(安藤三男 饰),失踪前曾与一名叫犬饲多吉(三国连太郎 饰)的人在一起。函馆警察弓坂(伴淳三郎 饰)直觉此案与犬饲有关,但犬饲犹如人间蒸发一般,此案最终不了了之。十年后,妓女杉户八重(左幸子 饰)和一名男青年的尸体从海中打捞上来,警察味村时雄(高倉健 饰)判定二人并非自杀,男青年的主人——实业家樽見京一郎则拥有重大嫌疑。随着调查深入,那起沉疴十年的悬案也一同浮出水面……本片根据水上勉同名推理小说改编,此后曾三次搬上电视荧幕。影片荣获1966年蓝丝带最佳剧本奖、1966年电影旬报最佳男主角奖(三国连太郎)、1966年每日电影奖最佳男主角、最佳女主角(左幸子)、最佳导演、最佳剧本和最佳男配角(伴淳三郎)五项大奖。
回复 :本片利用采访和罕见的档案镜头,记录了刘易斯60多年来在民权、投票权、枪支管制、医疗改革和移民方面的社会活动和立法行动。根据现在对80岁的刘易斯的采访,探讨了他的童年经历,他鼓舞人心的家庭,以及他在1957年与马丁·路德·金博士的决定性会面。
回复 :At the start of his senior year in high school, Morgan's father has lost his company, so the family moves from Connecticut, where they've been in the yacht club, to an apartment in the San Fernando Valley. Morgan has grown up in the shadow of his high-achieving older brother, and he seems to have a knack for getting into trouble. He also has a stubborn streak, so when he finds himself attracted to Frankie, the girlfriend of the leader of a local gang of youthful thugs, he can't stop himself from pushing her for a relationship. The thug thinks of Frankie as his property and sees the cool, urbane Morgan as dead meat. Is this a struggle to the death?