暖花脑版After observing a hauntingly familiar abnormal CAT scan of a 13 year old girl, radiologist Nina Evanko battles to find the source of the young girl's sleeping disorder. What she discovers is darker and stranger than she could have imagined.
暖花脑版After observing a hauntingly familiar abnormal CAT scan of a 13 year old girl, radiologist Nina Evanko battles to find the source of the young girl's sleeping disorder. What she discovers is darker and stranger than she could have imagined.
回复 :一幢冷清阴森的公寓,零星住着几户人家,家家各有一本难念的经。肥周(林雪 饰)悉心照料着因车祸失去双腿老婆阿凤(关宝慧 饰),夫妻二人情深意笃。阿凤体恤丈夫的身心的辛苦,更帮助他在外召妓。肥周偶然邂逅妓女(吴文忻 饰),生活因此发生变化;与肥周同在一家火锅店打工的阿虫(黎耀祥 饰)沉迷赌球,但逢赌必输,债台高筑,最终只得来公寓投奔好友。他在这里偶遇三位赌友,随即决定搬进这里大赌特赌,全然不顾身家性命;吸食大麻寻找灵感的阿宝(彭怀安 饰)和女友阿芝(唐宁 饰)住在一起。某天阿宝遇到一个迷路的小女孩,他的生活旋即发生变化,而阿芝也变得诡异非常……红尘中人,执迷不悟。
回复 :埃里克·鲍恩先生(山姆·洛克威尔 Sam Rockwell 饰)一家五口搬进一所乡间别墅,却赫然发现这所房子是个幽灵盘据的鬼屋。随着时间的推移,房子里可怕的幽灵也开始对他们展开一系列攻击,甚至俘虏他们的小女儿麦迪逊(肯尼迪·克莱蒙兹 Kennedi Clements 饰 ),让她完全消失在电视机中,女孩心急如焚的父母,最后只好求助于超自然现象专家布洛克·鲍威尔博士(简·亚当斯 Jane Adams 饰),想尽办法要找回心爱的女儿……
回复 :On a weekend getaway at a rundown cabin in the woods, Jason, a cautious teen, his crude best friend Colin and his fearless older sister Summer are forced to work together, grow up and save their hard partying parents from their predatory neighbour (Lauren Holly) who is intent on feeding them all to her undead family…