回复 :One morning, somewhere in an isolated Romanian village, a boy wakes up his father to go into town. His father has promised that they’ll go to have their old TV set repaired. The village is not only remote, but a long way from life as most people know it in the twenty first century; if it rains, water floods the house and in order to cross the river, one has to improvise a foot bridge. After they reach town, the father and his son go to a specialist, Bichescu, who repairs their TV set and they both return happily home. The child even manages to get home in time to watch his favourite film starring Bruce Lee.
回复 :
回复 :大明初年,朱棣(马精武 饰)刚座上皇帝宝座,江南一带凶案迭发,百姓怨声载道,直接关系到政权的稳定。朱棣在众臣推荐下,差御史周新(姚橹 饰)前往江浙办案,周新领旨前往。又一场凶案发生在东渡村,新婚之夜新郎中毒身亡,新娘柳玉妹(施柳屹 饰)嫌疑重大,周新深感隐情蹊跷,他去伪存真令案件真相大白。周新一路下去,发现从县域到州府,再到省级衙门,吏治不清、积冤深重,冤假错案层出不穷,地方恶霸勾结朝廷内部官宦,留下了累累孽债。周新凭其过人智慧,针砭时弊、层层剥茧,缕顺其内外因果,逐一昭雪。使得朱棣自上台以后第一次感到打江山容易座江山难……