回复 :Hugely successful British comedy about of two streetwise London brothers: Del (Derek) and Rodney Trotter. In early years they shared their council flat with 'Grandad' (until the death of actor 'Lennard Pierce' ) later to be replaced by 'Uncle Albert', a WWII Navy veteran with an anecdote for any occasion. Del and Rodney are best described as lovable and harmless black market traders; they buy and (try to) sell almost anything and many an episode is based around some faulty/stolen stock bought by Del. As with other comedies from writer John Sullivan, the humor is devilishly engineered so as not to telegraph the jokes before the punchlines and there's always a strong cast of support characters. The series has won countless awards and ratings battles.
回复 :精灵古怪的话剧演员阮念初和双商颜值俱佳的高冷型男厉腾意外相遇,厉腾在危机之中救阮念初于水火,两人彼此心生好感,但生活轨迹不同,二人一别两宽。五年后,一场重逢打破了阮念初的生活,二人感情急速升温,却遭遇重重阻碍,化解一次次误会和危机后,二人执子之手背水一战,共同破解了反派的阴谋,回归了平凡又幸福的生活。
回复 :该剧改编自Elizabeth Gaskell的同名遗作。《锦绣佳人》在英国传媒奖中拿下最佳戏剧及最佳女演员两项大奖。Molly(贾斯蒂恩·瓦戴尔 Justine Waddell 饰)和父亲(比尔·帕特森 Bill Paterson 饰)相依为命多年,Molly渐渐长成如花的少女,父亲担心她谈恋爱,于是送她去拜访老友。Molly不在家的期间,父亲却突然闪电结婚,家中多了一个继母(弗兰西丝卡·安妮丝 Francesca Annis 饰)和姐姐Cynthia(凯莉·霍威 Keeley Hawes 饰)让Molly很难适应,尤其是继母对她诸多限制,好在Cynthia美丽又率真,Molly立刻和她结成好友,Cynthia所到之处都有很多男士败倒在她的石榴裙下,没想到Molly暗恋的意中人也对Cynthia一网情深。心碎的Molly努力掩饰她的失落,却发现继母和 Cynthia似乎隐藏着一段不为人知的过去......