春暖Contemporary Moscow. After a car accident, champion athlete Sergey Borozdin suddenly has a psychic ability to see past events. When he becomes a suspect in a series of murders, he is forced to use this ability to find the real killer.
春暖Contemporary Moscow. After a car accident, champion athlete Sergey Borozdin suddenly has a psychic ability to see past events. When he becomes a suspect in a series of murders, he is forced to use this ability to find the real killer.
回复 :In 1840, a samurai comes home to find his wife in bed with another man, so he kills them both and then himself. Flash-forward to the present day, and an American family of three moves into this since-abandoned house and starts to experience incidents of haunting and possession.
回复 :一栋别墅司法拍卖,因为发生过凶案,价格便宜。林强辉夫妇是一对白领,东拼西凑接手了这个廉价的别墅。搬入之后,妻子晓美发现屋子里的诸多蹊跷,于是给每个房间都装了监控。查看监控,晓美发现自己每晚都会梦游,随着时间的推移,梦游活动变得越来越危险。老公带着晓美去医院做了治疗,晓美梦游症有所好转;但一夜,晓美再次发生强烈的异常行为,夫妻发生激烈冲突,晓美委屈自杀,被老公救下;夫妻二人最终决定搬离别墅。第二天,就在晓美收拾东西准备离开时,遭到了“不明生物”的攻击,房间里传来晓美声嘶力竭的呼喊和惨叫声,但在雷雨声中,无人听见她的呼喊。凶宅背后是中介、保安、“外卖员”三股势力的相互角逐和影响的魔比乌斯环。
回复 :山城圭吾(菅田将晖 饰)一直梦想着能够成为漫画家,创作出脍炙人口的优秀作品。虽然圭吾的画功扎实编剧一流,但因为他本身是老好人的性格,所以一直无法创作出真实有冲击力的反派形象,因此,圭吾的事业总是停滞不前,知道现在依然只是一介名不见经传的漫画助手。一次偶然中,圭吾成为了一场凶杀案的目击者。这特殊的经历改变了圭吾的性格,他决定以案件的犯人为原型,创作名为《34》的原创漫画。没想到,这部漫画一下子就火了,读者们纷纷被漫画中描绘的可怕犯人的形象所折服。但好景不长,没过多久,社会上就出现了以漫画内容为蓝本进行犯罪的模仿犯。