回复 :由湖南卫视陈歆宇工作室打造,开启全新电视类代际观察综艺。节目通过对四位不同职业的女性独居生活的全景式纪录,让父亲们观看独居女儿的生活日常,了解女儿未知的心路历程和情感故事。《我家那闺女》观察女性对独立 对情感婚姻对幸福生活的追求。多维度敲打社会核心“痛点”,通过综艺节目的 “返璞归真”和“价值引领”,竭力唤醒大众重拾情感真谛,感知生活意义,传递美好人生观。阵容:吴昕、袁姗姗、傅园慧、何雯娜。
回复 :For the thirteenth season, four of the six cast members from the previous season returned. Eva Marcille departed the series while NeNe Leakes departed the series for a second time. Actress and singer Drew Sidora joined the show's main cast. Marlo Hampton and Tanya Sam appeared again as friends of the cast alongside newcomer LaToya Ali.Cynthia and her fiancé, Mike Hill, face some challenges before the wedding, the future of Kenya's marriage to Marc Daly still remains uncertain after their split last year, Kandi and her husband, Todd Tucker expand their businesses, and Porsha's relationship with Dennis McKinley has taken a backseat.
回复 :居住在六叶镇的双胞胎兄妹,王道游飞和王道游步,是经营着稍微有些可疑的宇宙人驱逐公司UTS(宇宙人纠纷咨询所)的小学生。用游飞制作的神秘装置寻找外星人,每天都过着徒劳而辛苦的生活。....没错,直到那天!!使用最新制作的神秘回收机,二人终于寻找到了真正的宇宙飞船,并在那艘宇宙飞船上邂逅了来自遥远彼方ベルギャー星団的外星人,ユウディアス!现在,自遥远银河尽头而来的宇宙战士,将在名为“超速决斗”的新战场奔驰战斗!要上了!GoRush!