回复 :新人演员白安歌车祸后失忆,不但欠下巨债,身体还出现 bug,时不时眩晕,为了活下来,她和“碰瓷”自己的病秧子顾恒接触发现不晕了,两人出于不同目的签订契约婚姻协议,开始了兵荒马乱的同居生活。她一边拼尽全力实现自己的梦想, 一边克服心理障碍好好活下来,但是却被和自己“亲亲抱抱举 高高”的老公通知提前结束协议。是可忍,孰不可忍 !
回复 :姜家长女姜时宜,从小就被妹妹觊觎所有的一切!竟在酒吧把我送给了几个老男人!逃出升天后,却和神秘男子发生关系!事后怀孕一胎五宝,多年后,这才发现厉家大纨绔厉寒风竟是。。。
回复 :Garden of Death—One of the most beautiful spots in the county becomes a source of contention.Destroying Angel—When a hotel owner dies, the manager misses the reading of the will that names him part-owner.The Electric Vendetta—A mutilated body found in a crop circle leads some to suspect aliens have invaded.Who Killed Cock Robin?—A murder mars plans for the upcoming wedding of the village squire’s daughter.Dark Autumn—A postman is brutally murdered, and it turns out he was delivering more than the mail to village women.Tainted Fruit—A wealthy young landlady fears for her life after she callously ignores the plight of an elderly tenant.