电影电影A group of superstar influencers are drawn to a reclusive billionaire's mansion only to find themselves trapped in the lair of an evil vampire. The only way out is to be saved by a famous online gamer and an old school vampire hunter.
电影电影A group of superstar influencers are drawn to a reclusive billionaire's mansion only to find themselves trapped in the lair of an evil vampire. The only way out is to be saved by a famous online gamer and an old school vampire hunter.
回复 :在英国小镇韦瑟比,琼组织了一次聚会,一位奇特的不请自来的青年被奉为上宾。第二天,这位不速之客又来了,在琼的面前开枪自杀而亡。案件对小镇震动很大。不久,真相大白于天下。原来那晚,这位失恋的青年在与琼发生关系后,又遭到琼的拒绝,痛苦之极走上不归路。本片是导演的低成本处女作,反映了他对人性的看法:平静下面潜藏着邪恶和欺诈,孤独时只能以扭曲的方式解脱自己。人们循规蹈矩地生活.直至陌生人暴力自杀,才给他们带来震动,这暗示了英国社会的等级及教育制度是人们反复无常的心理根源。影片表现了人的行为,以及人们产生这种行为的社会根源。本片具有深刻的思想性。反传统的表现手法使其有很强的艺术观赏性。本片获得1985年柏林电影节最佳故事片金熊奖。
回复 :A group of girls get lost on a random dirt road. The tow truck driver toes them to his junkyard. Everything seems normal until they wake up with weapons for limbs, and thrown into the fight of their lives.
回复 :警察助理兰斯·博伊尔是一个幼稚的侦探,他被毫无价值的警察案件累垮了。然而,在附近的一片树林里发生了几起与番茄杀手有关的谋杀案后,兰斯发现自己正和一位战斧学家肯尼迪·约翰逊一起工作......