回复 :Maggie Rainbow Leeward and Mary cannot even agree on their three year old daughter's name anymore. Mary is a hardworking nurse who dreams of only one thing changing her life. She resents her husband for being an irresponsible, overgrown adolescent, incapable of holding down a job. Leeward is an atypical, idealistic musician who fancies himself a misunderstood artist and a New Age visionary. Enter Lilas, a 19 year old French artist and the daughter of a world famous painter, who is trying to make it in New York and get away from an overbearing mother. When the bubbly young woman moves into the couple's tiny Chinatown apartment, their already fragile balance is upset even further. Between surrealism, unusual characters, art and magic tricks, Swim Little Fish Swim is a dreamlike journey from childhood to adulthood.@m.yakutv.cc
回复 :古代雪国将军之子叶青羽一夜之间满门横遭不幸,沦为乞丐。为了重返朝堂查明真相,他报考武道学院,欲逆袭复仇。其间,经历了爱情和暗算,一个个陌生人不顾生死助他完成大业,他的身世成为谜团。叶青羽因不想连累爱他的宋小君,却错爱了白玉卿。郡主白玉卿是妖族最大的卧底。妖族以各种手段加害叶青羽,他却在逆境中不断加成功力。白玉卿真的爱上了他,而他却中了妖族圈套,宋小君用性命赐他魔血,他终成戮神。
回复 :千禧年前夕,笨拙的 12 岁孤女贝芙莉·穆迪(杰玛·布鲁克·艾伦饰)发现了一盘破损的混音带,这是她的父母在年轻时制作的。将贝芙莉抚养长大的祖母盖尔(朱丽·鲍温饰)曾经也是一位少女妈妈,并经历了丧女之痛,她不愿多谈这段伤心往事。贝芙莉则想趁此机会多了解自己的父母。于是她踏上了旅程,开始寻找磁带中收录的歌曲。一路上,她结识了古怪的邻居艾伦(奥德丽·谢饰)、看上去很凶的尼基(奥尔加·佩特萨饰),以及愤世嫉俗的唱片店老板阿反(尼克·图恩饰),他将为贝芙莉提供寻找歌曲的线索,并帮助她和盖尔重归于好。