日本While The Union keeps on invading and taking over the United States of America, Chase is having a hard time opening his mind to his team.
日本While The Union keeps on invading and taking over the United States of America, Chase is having a hard time opening his mind to his team.
回复 :故事讲述了因为滑翔机运动而聚集在大学体育会航空部的一群少男少女们,以航空协会为舞台上演的一出出真实又让人感动的青春热血故事。
回复 :
回复 : 芳文社漫画《#SLOW LOOP# 》宣布TV动画化!故事简介:喜爱在海边孤身一人用亡父所教的飞蝇钓钓鱼的少女日和,遇到了初次见到大海的少女小春。被小春的热情感染,日和少见地和小春说起话来,并和小春一起钓到了鱼。原来小春的父亲因为再婚而来到海边的小镇,而再婚对象正是日和的母亲。