日韩Invisible Evidence, new feature film by Trinh Dinh Le Minh is set to release in July 2020.
日韩Invisible Evidence, new feature film by Trinh Dinh Le Minh is set to release in July 2020.
回复 :"No Such Thing" tells the story of a young journalist who journeys to Iceland to find her missing fiancée only to encounter a mythical creature. She eventually forges a relationship with the being.
回复 :室内,一群蓬头遮面的摇滚乐手正卖力地演出着,由于近来创作资源枯竭,沒有什么新作品问世,大家又不甘乐队解体,只好来到郊区一栋别墅里封闭训练和创作。因别墅常年无人居住,蝙蝠在此做窝,大家戏称“蝙蝠别墅”。贝斯手阿沁(武艺 饰)是乐队的灵魂人物,他扭动的特别起劲,主唱faye(邓紫衣 饰)正在演唱新创作的《蝙蝠》。突然,恐怖的事情发生了,别墅內惊现大量蝙蝠尸体,倒吊在屋顶的蝙蝠向人群发起了嗜血攻击,整个乐队成员被这突如其来的现象惊的荒不择路,屋內还隐隐传来女人莫名的哭泣声。纷乱的思绪搅懵了人们的神经,随着第一起命案的发生,更惊悚的事件接踵而来......
回复 :During the Christmas season, two sisters throw a house party, unaware that a deadly invader will be crashing the proceedings.