回复 :Christmas 1944. Soviet soldiers invade Hungary and drag every young woman with German origins away from a small village and transport them to a Soviet labor camp where they are forced to work in the coal mines under inhuman conditions. This is where Irén, one of the Hungarian women, meets Rajmund who decides to teach her how to survive. While she is determined to return home to her little daughter and family, history and fate have a different plan: Irén and Rajmund fall in love.
回复 :On a cold November night in 1993, Wanda Lopez was stabbed to death while she worked at a Corpus Cristi Texas gas station. 21 year old Carlos DeLuna was arrested, and over the next six years, through his trial and subsequent imprisonment he protested his innocence, declaring that it was another Carlos who committed the crime. The prosecution insisted that this other Carlos was a “phantom’ and didn’t exist. Through illuminating interviews with witnesses, Carlos’ family members, and legal experts the film asks, for the first time since 1993, if the judicial system executed an innocent man, examining key evidence that calls into question whether or not Carlos DeLuna was right about the other Carlos. Was he a phantom after all, or was he a brutal killer, and did a poor Hispanic young man have any chance within a justice system and a society that by it's actions seemed to regard him as disposable? —Deborah Rudolph
回复 :民国年间,一个偏远小镇在战乱中艰难维持着安宁,而在七月十五俗称“鬼节”的这一夜,城中却出现了“百鬼出坟”的传言,先是有村民夜中与鬼赌命,又有村中老人头七之夜还魂归来,就连镇长家都出现了“五煞鬼”作祟的连环凶案。随着探长韩铭的深入调查,案情却逐步变得更加波诡云谲——水井深夜冒出血泉、棺材铺掌柜遇鬼买棺、老族长荒庙之中诡异自焚,而一切的源头,都来自在那晚进城的一个神秘戏班子…