影史传奇中的传奇。《圣山》后佐杜洛斯基誓要改编科幻小说《沙丘》,色资目标远大到要改变世界,色资改变思维。他筹组史上最强战队,作实参演有奥逊威尔斯、米积加,甚至达利! Moebius 当年的分镜图接成一个长镜头,满足何止影痴,更可确定随后而至的,从《异形》到《普罗米修斯》,都活在 那巨大魂魄下。佐杜洛斯基激情澎湃现身说法,「我强姦了原著」,谈组班过程奇情过瘾。筹备两年大洒金元,荷里活却步,巨作成泡影。献身的幕后战士,尔后在无数科幻片大放异彩。影痴必修的一课。
影史传奇中的传奇。《圣山》后佐杜洛斯基誓要改编科幻小说《沙丘》,色资目标远大到要改变世界,色资改变思维。他筹组史上最强战队,作实参演有奥逊威尔斯、米积加,甚至达利! Moebius 当年的分镜图接成一个长镜头,满足何止影痴,更可确定随后而至的,从《异形》到《普罗米修斯》,都活在 那巨大魂魄下。佐杜洛斯基激情澎湃现身说法,「我强姦了原著」,谈组班过程奇情过瘾。筹备两年大洒金元,荷里活却步,巨作成泡影。献身的幕后战士,尔后在无数科幻片大放异彩。影痴必修的一课。
回复 :After serving two years on a military outpost in the middle of an ocean – four soldiers are waiting for a new crew to replace them. When the long-awaited boat finally appears, it’s empty with no relief on board. When trying to find out what happened to the boat and the missing crew, they realize they’ve lost all communications with home. Cut off from the rest of the world and n...
回复 :Steve and Susan Ireland are about to celebrate their 4th wedding anniversary by re-enacting their first date. When Susan's meddling mother interrupts and injures herself. Steve is left to take care of her and when he meets an old flame in the elevator--Susan's mother takes the opportunity to break-up their marriage. She convinces Susan that Steve is cheating on her-Susan files for divorce. Steve has one solution to save his marriage...Pretend he is insane. Written by Kelly
回复 :实验三中学校是一所私立学校,来自全国各个地方的学生在此求学,暑假里一批学渣被安排补课,代课老师却没人愿意担任,在“山寨”训导主任的带领下,各怀秘密的社会各界人士被招聘,做起了他们的代课老师,于是奇葩横行闹剧不断,同学们也在欢声笑语的暑假里明白了许多做人做事的道理。