回复 :故事讲述了小说家俊熙(李慧英 饰)远道而来拜访后辈的书店,独自散步并遇见电影导演夫妇和演员,并说服女演员(金敏喜 饰)一起拍电影的故事。
回复 :天帝在生日宴上许下了去人间游历一遭的愿望。众仙劝阻不住,但为保人间秩序,将天帝的法力尽数卸去,带着三界石下界成功。下凡的天帝因破坏神像被解送官府。天帝在庙内受罚,却对前来上香的由狐狸精所化的女孩产生好感。狐狸精将天帝骗到妓院,妖帝化为老鸨偷取三界石,欲杀天帝。此时许梦蛟带队查案,得到报信的青白二蛇也赶来救主。混乱中,妖帝不及法力,只好逃走。而许士林随后中计附体,白蛇不忍杀死“许梦蛟”,愤怒之下,天帝与青白蛇分道扬镳。 天帝去找百姓和小仙帮忙,才惊觉他在人间已威信扫地,只好独自和妖帝死战。生民心中感动,重新供奉天帝。危难之际,天帝在众人供奉中重获法身,最终击败妖帝,使得三界平息动荡,重获安宁。
回复 :Rabiye Kurnaz is someone you might generally call an ordinary woman, except that she is a real dynamo. Taking care of her children and much more, she is the one running the show in her terraced house in Bremen. Shortly after the attacks of September 11, 2001, her son Murat is accused of terrorism and is (one of the first) shipped off to Guantanamo prison camp. This marks the beginning of a journey into the heart of world politics for this resolute German-Turkish woman. Together with human rights lawyer Bernhard Docke, whom she soon has completely on her side (like almost everyone around her), she battles for the release of her son – using her very own brand of self-taught English – all the way to the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C.Cologne-based comedienne, author, presenter and much more Meltem Kaptan is the perfect fit for Andreas Dresen’s special talent for combining explosive topics (in this case based on actual events) and the everyday concerns of the average citizen. Kaptan’s, or rather Rabiye’s, performance is overwhelming, and not just for the lawyer (played by Alexander Scheer) who quickly becomes a friend. A portrait of a passionate woman who holds the steering wheel of her beloved vehicle as firmly in her hand as she does the reins in this turbo-charged film.