亚洲Lucio, a prestigious university professor of literature, takes a course at a school in the area where he grew up, in the suburbs of Buenos Aires. There he will try to help his father to save Dilan, a student hounded by a group of drug traffickers.
亚洲Lucio, a prestigious university professor of literature, takes a course at a school in the area where he grew up, in the suburbs of Buenos Aires. There he will try to help his father to save Dilan, a student hounded by a group of drug traffickers.
回复 :故事围绕着阿克塔之剑和它被绑架的看守人乌尔里克之间的战斗展开。但对于一些定格史前生物,英雄领主必须从邪恶的巫师库拉勋爵手中拯救一位美丽的公主。在他史诗般的旅程中,他必须面对残酷的奴隶贩子,致命的恐龙和地狱般的拦路强盗,因为他努力获得全能的阿克塔之刃——恶魔之剑
回复 :五個熱衷冒險的朋友來到都市傳說中的謀殺案發地點,準備享受充滿刺激與驚悚的露營週末,但是他們很快就發現,徘徊於此的不是只有他們五人,一個神秘殺手悄悄接近,本該要縱慾狂歡的野外假期,瞬間變調成為致命夢魘......
回复 :A woman suffering from amnesia pieces together the events that led to her father's suicide, only to be haunted by the ghosts of children that she begins to suspect were murdered by him.