回复 :Guillermo del Toro, Rian Johnson and other film luminaries look back at LA's historic Egyptian Theatre as it returns to its former movie palace glory.
回复 :It's summer again, and everyone's favorite Junior Rescuers, The Flounders, are back at Tower 2. With the International Junior Rescue Championships headed to Southern California, the eyes of the entire planet are on Malibu Beach. But when Team USA falls victim to a bout of food poisoning, it's up to Tyler, Dylan, Eric, Lizzie and Gina to represent their country in the world's most extreme lifeguard challenge.
回复 :依靠捕渔为生的水上人团结而且生活简朴,然而因为渔业逐渐式微,年轻的水上人因而面临艰苦的生活压力,当中作为大哥哥的文锋入世未深,幕后黑手决定在文锋身边的结拜兄弟大山及阿信当中挑拨离间,最终导致兄弟反目,文锋更因栽赃嫁祸之下入狱,经历数年牢狱之苦终于想通了正确方向,寻求改过自身的道路。