欧美middle-aged woman, traumatized from the death of her adulterous lover, moves into a room at a New Orleans boarding house where the blind landlord becomes suspicious to her activities of continuing her affair with her dead lover
欧美middle-aged woman, traumatized from the death of her adulterous lover, moves into a room at a New Orleans boarding house where the blind landlord becomes suspicious to her activities of continuing her affair with her dead lover
回复 :A group of women traverse the landscapes and strange towns of Colorado in the 1890's.
回复 :三十岁出头的丛林(任素汐 饰)如何也想不到,与哥哥丛来(李晨 饰)的又一次戈壁“寻人之旅”,会被一场沙暴推向生命绝境。哥哥身负重伤,丛林必须独自前行,为两条生命寻找一线生机。
回复 :威尔第的著名歌剧《麦克白》再次准备公演,因为一次意外,主演的机会幸运的降临在了年轻的女歌手贝蒂的身上,虽然传说中只要上演《麦克白》就会带来噩运,但是面对成名的渴望,贝蒂最终还是站上了舞台,但是,谣言中的诅咒果然灵验了,噩运悄然来临,首演的巨大成功同时也带来了一宗又一宗的血腥命案,疯狂的杀手仿佛要和贝蒂展开一场残忍的游戏,凶手总是喜欢将贝蒂五花大绑,并安置了一个特殊的“眼部刑具”,迫使贝蒂亲眼目睹自己犯下的罪行,这彷佛能给凶手带来非比寻常的快感...