回复 :《破瓜》的主人公是一名超过30岁还以没有性体验为自卑感的女性。麻子。其他人都能做的事情,只有自己做不到,对这样的现实感到焦虑的小麻,不管是在工作中还是在私人时间,都无法从脑海中离开。这样的她,是在复印机维修公司工作的男性吗?故事从遇见键谷开始。
回复 :The action of the film takes place in 1943. The title character is a cosmopolitan and incapable of deeper feelings seducer. In Poland, he lost his entire family. Alone - being in the heart of Nazi Germany - he hides his Jewish origins and often eludes death. He works as a waiter in the restaurant of an exclusive hotel and carelessly enjoys all the charms of life surrounded by luxury, beautiful women and friends from all over Europe. However, when the war begins to take a bloody toll on those closest to him, the intricately built world that surrounds him crumbles like a house of cards.
回复 :许德(林家栋 饰)是智能尊者在许下了“地狱未空,誓不成佛”的愿望后投胎转世而来,许德和名医孙女凤(陈妙瑛 饰)两情相悦,而文瑞公主(汤盈盈 饰)亦为许德的才情所倾倒,命他考取举人。许德拒绝了文瑞公主的命令,惹恼了后者,并且直接导致了孙女凤的死亡。伤心的许德在老布袋(秦煌 饰)的建议之下出家为僧,希望能通过自己的善举使孙女凤重生。在此过程中,太宗(张兆辉 饰)受到了许德的感化,文瑞公主更是忏悔了自己的罪行,出家为尼,谁知许德的种种举动使太后(白茵 饰)大为不满,导致魔僧昊天(单立文 饰)在人间为非作歹,涂炭生灵。