JTBC《Begin Again》制作组以“群舞”回归。代表韩国的舞者齐聚一堂,午夜组成100人的全球群舞团,以群舞震撼世界的真人秀综艺节目。
JTBC《Begin Again》制作组以“群舞”回归。代表韩国的舞者齐聚一堂,午夜组成100人的全球群舞团,以群舞震撼世界的真人秀综艺节目。
回复 :该节目是一档UP主水上实境闯关节目,每期集结至少12位玩家参与节目,进行运动游戏闯关。玩家们不仅要运用个人能力突破重重游戏关卡,也要在多重的关卡考验中展开竞争与合作,向终点高台发起冲击。在欢乐谐趣的轻松气息和紧张热烈的比赛氛围中,将乐观、向上、快乐、健康的青春风貌传递给大家。
回复 :As Hampton Court Palace celebrates its 500th anniversary in 2015, BBC Two brings a key event from the iconic building’s history vividly to life - the christening of Henry’s son and heir Prince Edward, the future Edward VI.With so few surviving buildings left associated with events from this period of British history and the reign of Henry VIII, Lucy Worsley and David Starkey offer audiences an unprecedented insight into Henry VIII’s world. Focusing on the events of 15 October 1537, A Night At Hampton Court Palace will recreate the occasion that was a culmination of nearly three decades of Henry’s rule - the birth of a male heir. As Lucy and David eavesdrop across time, they reveal how Henry’s household came together to create an event that would have been perceived as almost magical by those who witnessed it.They will recreate the 90-person grand procession that would have transported baby Edward to his torch-lit christening service. This was the best recorded occasion staged at Hampton Court during Henry's VIII's reign, and the detailed records allow Lucy and David to show how this great celebration used every part of the palace, from the royal apartments to the kitchens to the Chapel Royal.Offering a unique opportunity to reveal how the many elements of court life would have been brought together, from art to architecture, religion and music, A Night At Hampton Court Palace will capture a pageant that was deeply political but also carefully stage-managed piece of performance art.
回复 :第80届奥斯卡颁奖典礼于美国时间2008年2月24日(北京时间25日上午)在柯达剧院举行,各大奖项一一揭晓。《老无所依》无悬念摘取最佳影片、导演、改编剧本、男配角4项大奖,成为当晚最大赢家。《谍影重重3》以100%的获奖率爆冷!四大表演奖则将国际化进行到底——丹尼尔·戴·刘易斯和蒂尔达·斯温顿来自英国,贾维尔·巴丹来自西班牙,玛丽昂·歌迪亚来自法国。★第80届奥斯卡金像奖★获奖名单(相关【豆列】http://www.douban.com/doulist/121117/)【最佳影片】老无所依(No Country for Old Men)【最佳导演】科恩兄弟《老无所依》/ Joel and Ethan Coen, No Country for Old Men【最佳男主角】丹尼尔·戴·刘易斯《血色将至》/ Daniel Day Lewis, There Will Be Blood【最佳女主角】玛丽昂·歌迪亚《玫瑰人生》/ Marion Cotillard, La Vie en Rose【最佳男配角】贾维尔·巴丹《老无所依》/ Javier Bardem, No Country for Old Men【最佳女配角】蒂尔达·斯温顿《迈克尔·克莱顿》/ Tilda Swinton, Michael Clayton【最佳原创剧本】达波罗·科迪 《朱诺》/ Diablo Cody, Juno【最佳改编剧本】科恩兄弟《老无所依》/ Joel and Ethan Coen, No Country for Old Men【最佳摄影】血色将至(There Will Be Blood)【最佳剪辑】谍影重重3(The Bourne Ultimatum)【最佳音响效果】谍影重重3(The Bourne Ultimatum)【最佳音效剪辑】谍影重重3(The Bourne Ultimatum)【最佳视觉效果】黄金罗盘(The Golden Compass)【最佳艺术指导】理发师陶德(Sweeney Todd)【最佳化装】玫瑰人生(La Vie en Rose)【最佳服装设计】伊丽莎白:黄金时代(Elizabeth: The Golden Age)【最佳歌曲】"Falling Slowly" -《曾经》(Once)【最佳配乐】达里奥·马利安那利 《赎罪》/ Dario Marianelli, Atonement【最佳外语片】伪钞制造者(The Counterfeiters,奥地利)【最佳纪录长片】开往暗处的的士(Taxi to the Dark Side)【最佳动画长片】料理鼠王(Ratatouille,迪士尼/皮克斯)【最佳动画短片】彼德与狼(Peter & the Wolf)【最佳真人短片】扒手莫扎特(Le Mozart des Pickpockets/The Mozart of Pickpockets)【最佳纪录短片】同志争平权(Freeheld)【终身成就奖】罗伯特·博伊尔获奖统计——4 老无所依3 谍影重重32 血色将至2 玫瑰人生1 赎罪1 迈克尔·克莱顿1 料理鼠王1 朱诺1 理发师陶德1 伊丽莎白:黄金时代1 黄金罗盘1 曾经1 伪钞制造者1 开往暗处的的士1 彼德与狼1 扒手莫扎特1 同志争平权