现代人元明玉(陆妍淇 饰)穿越成为随时被刺杀的素叶国恶女四公主,亚洲只有成为女帝才能回到现代。性格火爆的御姐元明玉开启称帝之路,亚洲她撩拨身边的纯情隐卫叶韶(黑泽 饰),让他保护自己安全,却不料小隐卫也对她正有心意,俩人携手打破各种偏见与阻拦。元明玉认定叶韶是她在这个时空最值得信任的人,却不知一切都是假象,她最信任的小隐卫是前朝皇子,而接近她只是为了拿到象征兵权的鱼符。在皇权与爱情中,元明玉不做选择,她全都要,开启攻略之路。
现代人元明玉(陆妍淇 饰)穿越成为随时被刺杀的素叶国恶女四公主,亚洲只有成为女帝才能回到现代。性格火爆的御姐元明玉开启称帝之路,亚洲她撩拨身边的纯情隐卫叶韶(黑泽 饰),让他保护自己安全,却不料小隐卫也对她正有心意,俩人携手打破各种偏见与阻拦。元明玉认定叶韶是她在这个时空最值得信任的人,却不知一切都是假象,她最信任的小隐卫是前朝皇子,而接近她只是为了拿到象征兵权的鱼符。在皇权与爱情中,元明玉不做选择,她全都要,开启攻略之路。
回复 :Every weekend the gay male choir G-Voice rehearses in Seoul – as they have been doing since 2003. The choir, being a kind of antidote to homophobic Korean society, makes the everyday lives of gay men its theme in an intelligent and humorous way. For their tenth anniversary, the members are planning to give their first big concert with ambitious arrangements, creative choreographies and many new pieces. This really puts these amateur singers to the test because the enthusiasm of some members outweighs their vocal abilities, whilst others work themselves into the ground as voluntary organisers. Besides preparing for their big day, G-Voice are also politically active, singing for equality and serenading against discrimination, and not just at LGBTQ demos.Director Lee Dong-ha succeeds, almost incidentally, in giving an insight into gay life in Korea. He also accompanies choir members and organisers after the rehearsals, when conversations become more personal over a meal. Filmed in the style of glossy music videos, G-Voices’ set-pieces provide a commentary, among other things, on the men’s experiences of Korean society, their conservative families and a gay joy of life. berlinale 2016
回复 :清朝末年,朝政腐败,官逼民反。一支揭竿而起的 捻军家族队伍兵败后隐姓埋名成为煤矿窑工。为了生存,二团总肖太平毅然抛却均贫同苦,不蓄私银的旧规矩,开始艰难人生的新抉择。为了生存,他面对地痞无赖的挑衅,窑掌柜的陷害,忍辱负重,不屈不挠,经过拚力抗争,惨淡经营,日渐成为当地首富。时代仍在发展,肖太平不断遇到新的麻烦。隐瞒义军身份始终像是悬在头上的利剑,时时对他形成威胁。官府正是借题发挥,对他进行百般敲诈勒索。肖、曹两姓的兄弟也因贫富不均而矛盾日益加剧。甚至他的妻舅曹二顺也与他反目为仇,向他发难,带头歇窑。在感情的旋涡中,肖太平几乎也无法自拔。他与花船上的风尘女子玉倩儿邂逅,陷入了难分难解的情感纠葛。令他更为难堪的,他把梦寐以求有朝一日再举义旗的理想寄托在子嗣身上,可老天赐他的却偏偏是个女儿。春秋又是几度,清政府办起了官窑。英国人也竖起了洋井。肖太平更...
回复 :杰西(罗丝·玛塔菲奥饰)和电影明星汤姆(尼克什·帕特尔饰)分手后,仍然住在伦敦,在当地的电影院工作,开始了新的单身生活。分手两年后,杰西面对着成年的压力,面对着自己选择的后果,她的朋友们开始了他们人生的下一个阶段,而杰西则质疑她真正想要的是什么。