影音A woman's sanity comes into question, after she claims to have witnessed a murder from her apartment window.
影音A woman's sanity comes into question, after she claims to have witnessed a murder from her apartment window.
回复 :英国女子学校中,品学兼优的班花Abbie作风大胆怀了好友Lydia哥哥的孩子不久后便意外死亡,Lydia某天在课堂上莫名其妙昏厥,随后昏厥症状在多名同学和老师之间持续突发,但经医院检查后确认未感染任何病毒。因严重扰乱课堂秩序,Lydia被学校开除,回家后她才得知,自己,是强奸犯的女儿……
回复 :影片改编自弗朗西斯卡·卡布里尼(克里斯蒂安娜·德朗娜 Cristiana Dell'Anna 饰)争取平等与幸福的真实故事。18世纪末,意大利修女卡布里尼到了纽约后,发现当地的外来族裔受尽政府逼迫、教会漠视和社会偏见之苦。卡布里尼因此决定投身帮助这些弱势族裔,誓言要让所有人充满希望。卡布里尼不仅与当地政府、修会对抗,还要应对社会上层阶级的歧视。面对种种艰巨的挑战,她从不气馁,并以勇气与坚韧一次又一次地战胜困难,改变世界。
回复 :On a weekend getaway at a rundown cabin in the woods, Jason, a cautious teen, his crude best friend Colin and his fearless older sister Summer are forced to work together, grow up and save their hard partying parents from their predatory neighbour (Lauren Holly) who is intent on feeding them all to her undead family…