回复 :In 1976, Karen and Barry Mason had fallen on hard times and were looking for a way to support their young family when they answered an ad in the Los Angeles Times. Larry Flynt was seeking distributors for Hustler Magazine. What was expected to be a brief sideline led to their becoming fully immersed in the LGBT community as they took over a local store, Circus of Books. A decade later, they had become the biggest distributors of gay porn in the US.The film focuses on the double life they led, trying to maintain the balance of being parents at a time when LGBT culture was not yet accepted. Their many challenges included facing jail time for a federal obscenity prosecution and enabling their store to be a place of refuge at the height of the AIDS crisis.Circus of Books offers a rare glimpse into an untold chapter of queer history, and it is told through the lense of the owners' own daughter, Rachel Mason, an artist, filmmaker and musician.
回复 :生活优渥的单身贵族南贤洙(车太贤 饰)曾是一名失败的歌手,年过而立后,他迎来了事业的第二春。贤洙所主持的谈话类节目备受欢迎,尤其是近段时间单身妈妈静南寻找生身父亲的故事更掀起收听率飙升的高潮。某晚,贤洙正等待和女友共度浪漫一夜的时候,一对不速之客破坏了这一切。来者正是静南(朴宝英 饰)和她6岁的儿子纪东,而她所寻找的父亲竟然是贤洙!原来,贤洙初三时曾和邻居大他5岁的女孩相恋,这唯一一次恋爱、唯一一次肉体之欢导致了女儿的诞生。当年的恋人在分手后隐瞒了怀孕的事实,贤洙则背井离乡去追寻自己的梦想。女儿和外孙的到来,令这个过惯单身生活且孩子气的大男人倍感困扰,更主要的是,在这个混乱复杂的娱乐圈里,这样的绯闻会令贤洙好不容易经营起来的事业毁于一旦。他该如何面对这突如其来的一切呢?
回复 :2021年7月26日,佐伯照生(池松壮亮 饰)迎接34岁生日,起床后惯常地为仙人掌浇水,身体随着收音机音乐摆动,就算是生日,身为灯光师的他仍如常工作,照亮台上每一位舞者。同一天,的士司机叶(伊藤沙莉 饰)驾驶着的士在疫情下的东京夜路上行驶。途中,叶跟着乘客下车,突然被不知从何处传来的踏步声吸引,叶不知不觉走到声音的源头,竟看见正在台上起舞的照生。时间年复一年倒退,电影刻画照生和叶的爱情起点及相遇一刻,与两人一起「回到恋爱终结时」。