视频アニメ第3期 2015年放送決定
视频アニメ第3期 2015年放送決定
回复 :虹猫蓝兔乐翻天里各种卡通明星们齐聚一堂,八仙过海,各显神通。幽默小品接二连三,滑稽逗乐,让你笑不停。丰富有趣的百科知识,寓教于乐,学在其中。益智游戏形式多样,动手动脑。
回复 :多多是一个善良、聪明、勇敢的小男孩,他有一位擅长修理玩具的爷爷。爷爷和多多一样热爱玩具,经常帮助多多和其他小朋友修理破损的玩具。生日之际,爷爷送给多多一罐彩泥,多多将彩泥捏成一个可爱的罐头,而当星星闪烁的时候,罐头竟然变成了一个有生命的小精灵。
回复 :PINGU is put out when he loses several games of hide and seek and to make matters his friends are laughing at his efforts to find them. When he sees a ladder PINGU has the perfect solution and climbs up an iceberg from where he is able to see all the hiding places. But the tables are turned when the others remove the ladder and PINGU is left stranded on his vantage point.