亚洲Four close friends who live together in Bangalore. The friendship filled with fun and humor which quickly changes into a gripping mystery that keeps the spectators on the edge of their seats and leaves them with mixed feelings.
亚洲Four close friends who live together in Bangalore. The friendship filled with fun and humor which quickly changes into a gripping mystery that keeps the spectators on the edge of their seats and leaves them with mixed feelings.
回复 :18 year old Jason Dorkel belongs to a community of gypsies. He is about to celebrate his baptism when his half-brother Fred returns after fifteen years in prison. Together, with their last brother, the violent, hot-headed Michael and their Christian activist cousin, the four young people set off on a binge among the "gadjos" in search of a cargo of copper.
回复 :1966年夏天,迎接暑假到来的三姊弟,一如往常地嬉戏玩乐,与家人讨论暑假的旅游计划。看似和乐的家庭,直到母亲意外得知父亲不可告人的秘密后,逐渐崩解。这回透过小孩们的无奈答话,充分展现二战之后逐渐弥漫的保守氛围,并讥讽当时社会的道德假面。
回复 :二后生五十出头,是个唱二人台的江湖艺人。游走在内蒙古河套地区。二十四年前,他在一个村子卖唱时认识了三女子。三女子有男人,家境苦寒,男人让她跟上二后生卖唱养家。不料日久生情,二后生要带三女子远走高飞。男人知道后叫上自家的两个兄弟,把二后生诓到村里,挖掉了他的双眼。二后生死里逃生,保全性命。后来便把这段经历编成了二人台曲子,曲名叫《挖眼睛》。红及内蒙晋北一代。纪录片《挖眼睛》记录了二后生的日常生活,追述了那些不堪的往事。呈现了他以死延生的人生境遇。