影片将通过展现海地女孩Clairvius Narcisse的个人命运,偷拍来探讨民族与幻想的边界。Narcisse是伏都教法术的牺牲品,偷拍巫术将她变成了僵尸。时间线将在1962年的海地与现代法国巴黎之间跳跃,而故事则围绕着15岁的Narcisse,和她身为巫毒女祭司的姨母之间进行。
影片将通过展现海地女孩Clairvius Narcisse的个人命运,偷拍来探讨民族与幻想的边界。Narcisse是伏都教法术的牺牲品,偷拍巫术将她变成了僵尸。时间线将在1962年的海地与现代法国巴黎之间跳跃,而故事则围绕着15岁的Narcisse,和她身为巫毒女祭司的姨母之间进行。
回复 :影片由凯文·哥兹与迈克尔·哥兹执导,讲述年轻的警长诺曼(思韦茨饰),发现自己的哥哥罗伊(罗伯森饰)深陷人命要案后,选择包庇哥哥的罪行,等待兄弟俩的,也是充满危险,步步为营的命运。
回复 :东宁天降陨石雨,随陨石而来的神秘生物钻入了小女孩苏芒的大脑,身为植物人的后者忽然“醒来”,其主治医生也意外死亡。苏芒的姑姑苏青是脑科医生,面对科学不能解释的一切,她找到自己的留学校友、在大学任教的夜不语求助。出身神秘的夜不语对超自然事件素有研究,他接受邀请前往东宁。此时人心惶惶的苏家不顾苏青的反对,决定给苏芒举行驱魔,然而由于苏芒突然情况恶化,驱魔最终失败。正当苏家一筹莫展之际,一家企业主动上门提供援手。但夜不语调查后却发现:这家企业背后是一个极为机密的组织,与东宁发生的一系列事件都有隐约联系。危险迫近,夜不语决定破釜沉舟,出乎所有人意料的是:他的办法是再举行一场特殊的“驱魔”!
回复 :Vienna, 1920. The Austro-Hungarian Empire has collapsed. Peter Perg returns home from the Great War, after seven years as a Russian POW. Vienna is experiencing the multiplicity of political, social and artistic freedom, but also the rise of anti-democratic movements, insecurity and unemployment. Peter, a former police inspector, feels like a stranger in the new Austrian Republic. While wanting to leave town, Peter is confronted with the murder of one of his former comrades. He decides to stay and instead bring the killer to justice. His ally is Dr. Theresa Körner, a determined and cool-headed forensic doctor. The two are linked not only by this case, but also by a deeper, shared history. As their investigation progresses, they realise that they are not just up against a systematic killer, who tortures his victims, but also face disapproval and intrigue from within the police force. Though determined to solve the crime, Peter, harbouring his own secrets, increasingly becomes tormented by existential questions: What is truth? What is heroism in the time of war? And all the while he fails to see the mounting danger before him.