回复 :兵王王胜穿越千绝地后,来到以“内城不能动手,外城不能杀人”为铁则的无忧城中。通过发展卤肉生意,成功走上逆袭。好景不长,他隐姓埋名,最终还是暴露了身份。而他“元魂晋级”的秘密被五大家觊觎,一场王胜与五大家以无忧城为棋盘的对弈便在此展开……
回复 :以凌风、凌云两兄弟为故事核心,加上众多的朋友角色和对手角色倾力演出,虽然是一部动画电视片,但故事内容轻松风趣,笑料源源不断,而且赛车过程紧张刺激,情节变化多端,肯定可以令观众看得投入,看得开心,片中的角色和赛车都是以二维方式表达,富有浓厚的动画味道,故事内容非常接近青少年的现实生活,更份外有亲切感。
回复 :In the oggliest adventure of all time, the Oggly family arrives at the municipal rubbish dump of Smelliville. The Ogglies are looking for a new home, but they never feel really welcome anywhere. They stink and are for most humans just a tad too oggly. When Firebottom, the family dragon, crash-lands on the run-down rubbish tip of the small town of Smelliville, the Ogglies at once feel at home. And it's here they want to stay.