春暖Two sisters find their wealthy aunt is terminally ill and plan to get their inheritance, the sisters plan to improve their relationship, but when they find that they are not the only ones in the family with a similar plan.
春暖Two sisters find their wealthy aunt is terminally ill and plan to get their inheritance, the sisters plan to improve their relationship, but when they find that they are not the only ones in the family with a similar plan.
回复 :此次的故事将围绕 “妻子”展开。史枝(夏川结衣饰)作为家庭主妇,与丈夫幸之助(西村雅彦饰)、2个儿子以及公婆住在一起。某天下午,家里遭小偷,藏在冰箱里的私房钱被洗劫一空。在丈夫的抱怨中,史枝决心离家出走,而平田家也因此陷入混乱。因为富子(吉行和子饰)身体不好,周造(桥爪功饰)开始与打扫、洗衣、做饭展开“恶战”,并深切体会到史枝的不易。然而史枝并没有回家的意思,平田家不得不再次召开紧急家庭会议……
回复 :三百年前,一个岛上渔村的村民将一队路过的护送贡品官兵尽数杀死,并不慎惊醒了一具秦尸,借宝物力量将其封印。自此,此地村民不事生产却凭借祖传财宝衣食无忧。驻岛警察石春(元奎 饰)怀疑村民制毒谋利,令两名助手陈龙士(杜德伟 饰)、小钢炮调查多时但一无所获。是日,一戏班来岛上演出,疑心戏班与村民里应外合贩毒的石春出面调查,不期然使戏班的九姐(吴君如 饰)对自己一见钟情。当夜,九姐和戏班中的阿秋(陈淑兰 饰)、林老师(卢冠廷 饰)偶然得到从村民中泄露出来的藏宝图,三人试图将村中宝藏据为己有,却惊动秦尸令其再出人间,复仇的冤魂在村中大开杀戒,石春为斩妖除魔,犯险寻找古时宝物——钟馗宝剑。
回复 :讲述一个一毛不拔的小提琴家被一个爱慕者和突然找上门来的女儿一起改造的故事。