回复 :华裔女队长魏晓晨带领特警队,捣破人口贩卖集团基地,发现一具女性尸体,竟然是孪生妹妹梁曦,晓晨悲痛欲绝,发誓要用余生追查妹妹被杀真相。
回复 :After embarking as a passenger onboard a cargo ship returning to Europe he begins to question his sanity and the very understanding of his perception of time in this romantic psychological thriller at sea. After a brief encounter with one of the shipmates, James, Christopher settles into life on board the ship. His life quickly falls into a routine that shapes his day-to-day existence, mirroring the monotony of the ship’s passage through open waters.
回复 :施世纶(欧阳震华 饰)幼时曾遭遇意外,无端失踪三天后再度出现时竟对那三日的经历全部遗忘,还摔断了左手,思维也不如从前灵活。其母因此内疚不已,万事都替儿子安排妥当,待到施世纶成年时就捐了一任县令给儿子来当。在师爷的协助下,施世纶的官当得有声有色,不久又带着母亲和三位夫人到江都县任县官。一次,施世纶在荒郊野岭遭遇意外并昏迷,梦中有一个仙枕,还有一老头与施世纶争抢。这并非一般的梦,梦境亦幻亦真竟能为施世纶在现实生活中破案时指点迷津……在江都,施世纶还邂逅了蓉(郭可盈 饰),两人起初是一对冤家,却在逐渐了解的过程中互生情愫……