有奶A story about a female reporter investigating sex workers in Shinjuku.
有奶A story about a female reporter investigating sex workers in Shinjuku.
回复 :Within the space of 24 hours, Feña is swept through the extremes of human emotion, when people who seemed to disappear when he transitioned are suddenly back in his life. What counts are not just the things that change, but also those that stay the same.
回复 :一對男女在賓館房裡纏綿偷情,女人是現任市長,男人竟是市長秘書。同時,賓館老闆也帶著情婦來開房,殊不知,房間裡已遭到有心人安裝了針孔相機,不堪入目的偷情畫面意外曝光...
回复 :根据初野晴的短篇推理小说改编,有着完美外貌与清晰头脑的上条春太与天真烂漫的青梅竹马·穗村千夏,为了拯救面临废社危机的吹奏部,两人一边寻找新社员一边努力练习,这时却有一连串的谜题逐渐浮现于二人面前.....