私人When Star returns to her home dimension, she discovers that magic is disappearing throughout the kingdom. Star must dig deep and challenge her arch nemesis Ludo in an effort to save her family and kingdom.
私人When Star returns to her home dimension, she discovers that magic is disappearing throughout the kingdom. Star must dig deep and challenge her arch nemesis Ludo in an effort to save her family and kingdom.
回复 :本作讲述从小就被诅咒「只要碰触到东西就全都会死亡」的贵族少爷,以及唯一愿意陪伴且不时性骚扰他的女仆爱丽丝,两人虽两情相悦却不能触碰彼此的恋爱故事。
回复 :《狂赌之渊》衍生动画作品《狂赌之渊:双》同样改编自 Gangan Joker 连载热门漫画。故事时间点设在蛇喰梦子转进私立百花王学园的一年前,女主角早乙女芽亚里转进这间学校,这位平凡无奇的女学生究竟如何变成无法自拔的赌徒?
回复 :In an episode of Turbo Titans Go Force, the Titans gain the ability to transform into cars; the Titans must learn to work together to stop Dr. Military.