回复 :After stealing the funeral urn of her deceased lover, Paloma, an eccentric drag queen, meets Mike, a silent and melancholic truck driver. They will share a journey on the roads of France until they reach Paris. A day and a night together to overcome their loneliness.
回复 :本片荣获首届留守与儿童国际电影节 最佳纪录片,并被香港中文大学 永久收藏。本片以湖南省一群备战中考的重点班孩子展开讲述。他们中大部分是留守儿童,读书 成为摆脱自身命运的唯一出路。但处于青春期的他们,面对繁重的功课、备考的压力、资金的不足以及家庭的教育的缺失站在了人生的十字路口上......Junior Th ree is the last part of the Homewood Trilogy directed by Jiang Nengjie. It is about the students who are preparing for the Senior High School Entrance Examination in Hunan. The most of them are unattended children, studying is the only way for them to lift themselves from destiny. However, facing the heavy study work, tremendous pressure, fund shortage and the absence of family education, they are in a dilemma.
回复 :今年秋天,环球影业将骄傲地推出首部好莱坞主要电影公司制作,关于两名男同志,也许、可能、大概将会坠入爱河的爱情喜剧片。也许吧。不管怎样,他们都会非常忙碌。喜剧天才比利·艾希纳、杰出的卖座电影导演尼古拉斯·斯托勒以及金牌喜剧导演/制片贾德·阿帕图共同打造《哥儿们》一片,这是一部在这个疯狂世界关于性、爱情及浪漫情怀,极具巧思、心醉神迷和暖心动人的喜剧片。