著名导演,岁禁暴力宗师北野武(北野武 饰)突然厌倦以往拍摄的黑帮电影,岁禁宣布再也不拍黑帮片,涉猎其他的题材。北野武开始尝试各种影片。他拍摄了小津安二郎风格的亲情片、催人泪下的爱情片、反映50年代社会风貌的怀旧片、恐怖片、忍者片、科幻片等十多部电影,都因为不同的原因而失败,他的导演生涯因此遭遇到瓶颈,需要反思。
著名导演,岁禁暴力宗师北野武(北野武 饰)突然厌倦以往拍摄的黑帮电影,岁禁宣布再也不拍黑帮片,涉猎其他的题材。北野武开始尝试各种影片。他拍摄了小津安二郎风格的亲情片、催人泪下的爱情片、反映50年代社会风貌的怀旧片、恐怖片、忍者片、科幻片等十多部电影,都因为不同的原因而失败,他的导演生涯因此遭遇到瓶颈,需要反思。
回复 :影片故事讲述主人公在同一个城市的三个时代、三个季节、三个夜晚中所经历的事件。
回复 :幕府时代,公仪介错人(为剖腹者斩首的刽子手)拜一刀(若山富三郎 饰)执行上层命令,为年幼的地方领主斩首。归来后梦见妻女被人所杀,心生不祥预感。柳生手下拜访拜一刀,看见堂中为断头者摆放的灵位,遂以谋反罪名密告柳生家族。得悉阴谋的拜一刀手斩来使,带着独子大五郎(富川晶宏 饰)杀出重围。从此浪迹江湖,以赏金杀手为生,人称“带子雄狼”。这一日,拜一刀接到新的任务,小山田藩杉户家老谋划暗杀领主子嗣,得知消息的家老市毛请求拜一刀破坏刺杀计划。拜一刀和大五郎来至峡谷温泉场,等待猎物出现……
回复 :Celestine, the chambermaid, has a new job in the country, at the Lanlaires. She has decided to use her beauty to seduce a wealthy man. But Mr Lanlaire is not a right choice all the house is firmly controlled by Mme Lanlaire, helped by the strange valet Joseph. Then she tries the neighbour, ex-officer Mauger. This seems to work. But soon the son of the Lanlaires comes back. He is young, attractive, and does not share his mother's anti-republicans opinions. So Celestine's beauty attracts Captain Mauger, young Georges Lanlaire, and also Joseph. Three men, from three different social classes, with three different conceptions of life. Will Celestine be able to convince Georges of her sincerity Will sinister and inflexible Joseph let his views upon Celestine be ruined A quite disillusioned depiction of humanity.