回复 :A powerful and inspirational story of dedication, danger, fear, and the rare 'will' some of us have to defy all personal limitations. Experience one of the fastest mostorsports on earth through the eyes of four-time world champion Scott Dixon and the Chip Ganassi Racing team. Filmed with an access all areas lens, 'Born Racer' follows the people who are passionate about the world of auto racing and asks why some individuals feel compelled to face danger and risk their lives in order to win. Both action-packed and highly-intimate it features an intense blend of up close and personal filming with never-before-seen spectacular, cutting-edge racing footage to explore a sport that defines the very people who inhabit it, and pushes them to the edge in their desire for success.
回复 :导 演赵力军编 剧孟瑶主 演王菁华、刘冠军、刘交心、潘婕片 种故事片类 型剧情、情感伦理、犯罪出品单位北京天禾兄弟影视投资有限公司长 度90分钟出品年代2010剧情简介一个刑满释放的老贼发誓一定要给结巴的大龄儿子找到一个合适的对象。一个上小学的男孩为了给即将失明的姐姐治疗眼睛,甘愿走上偷盗的道路。当老贼发现男孩要偷窃的时候及时地将其拉回了犯罪的边缘,但在帮助男孩的时候却意外发现自己儿子在婚姻问题上的一个秘密。当男孩拿着老贼帮着凑够的治疗费到医院的时候,却发现巨款丢失,这时候老贼却接到了一个神秘的电话…… 老贼冒着危险终于从过去的敌手那里追回医疗费为女孩治好了眼睛,但是当女孩看到光明之后,却又突然揭开了一个惊人的真相……
回复 :讲述美国著名拳击手【乔治·福尔曼】的一生