浦和Four best friends on the brink of starting middle school, realize their lives are about to change forever. So on the last weekend of summer, they set out to make the most of it.
浦和Four best friends on the brink of starting middle school, realize their lives are about to change forever. So on the last weekend of summer, they set out to make the most of it.
回复 :
回复 :A nurse who suffers from lack of intimacy with her husband is assigned to work at an island called Isla Bato, where men treat women with lust. As she experiences the people's madness, she plans a way to get out of the island.
回复 :一场公司内部的颁奖典礼,权力、庆典、金钱、爱情、事业,五种人生切片交错上映,讲述每一个“我”的故事。影片荣获:第四届印度世界电影节最佳处女作特利佩尔电影节最佳处女作纽约电影金像奖最佳故事片导演弗洛伦萨电影金像奖最佳影片伊斯坦布尔电影节最佳独立电 影入围:巴塞罗那独立电影节罗马棱镜电影节奥斯陆独立电影节(最佳剧本)出品/制作 深圳市野火映像文化传播有限公司出品:河北鲸颢影视文化传媒有限公司联合出品 北京桃子将影视传媒有限公司;彬州梦想流坊文化传播有限公司