回复 :得知苏丽丽怀了自己前男友的孩子,苏陌雪和易家的婚约被取消并惨遭分手,而这一切都是苏丽丽和后妈的谋划。凌墨琛即将担任凌氏董事长,但却被告知必须要已婚,实则是爷爷着急抱孙子,凌墨琛派人调查了苏陌雪的资料并扬言三日之内要娶她为妻,苏陌雪逃不过只得带着凌墨琛回家,凌墨琛在苏家霸气上演护妻模式,面对全家人指责苏陌雪,唯有凌墨琛站在她身边不离不弃,两个人开启甜蜜同居生活。
回复 :阿托(朋抔·里拉塔纳卡邹 Thanapob Leeratanakachorn 饰)是一名百万富翁的私生子,一直和母亲过着捉襟见肘的生活。一天,母亲带着托来到了生父家门前,哪知道开门的并不是慈祥的父亲,而是父亲那魔鬼一样的正房西塔(安·希里亚姆·帕克迪杜姆朗格瑞特 Ann Siriam Pakdeedumrongrit 饰)。西塔对阿托的母亲恨之入骨,残忍的折磨她,使得这个可怜的女人最终丧命。在紧要关头,阿托的父亲总算赶回家,救下了阿托,并且收留了他。在接下来的日子里,阿托过的都是寄人篱下抬不起头的生活,唯一对他好的,是邻居家的美丽女孩米格塔(农吉拉 · 叻卡准娜衮 Nopjira Lerkkajornnamkul 饰),两人之间渐渐产生了单纯的感情。一场意外中,阿托坠入海中,所有人都以为他已经死了,但实际上并没有。
回复 :1.Life and Death:Officer Nolan and the entire team race against the clock to locate Lopez after she is kidnapped on her wedding day, not only to save her life but her unborn child’s.2. Five Minutes:Officer Nolan and Officer Chen’s run-in with an infamous thief tips them off to a potentially big heist surrounding the Getty’s big gala event. Meanwhile, Nolan works up the courage to ask Bailey out on date.3.In the Line of Fire:Officer Nolan and officer Chen report to a structure fire and suspect that there is more to the situation than meets the eye. Meanwhile, after witnessing a sniper shooting, the team searches for the shooter and discovers that the perpetrator has a connection to one of their own.