回复 :A young boy takes his mother's place in a group of gemstone-based beings, and must learn to control his powers.This series is set in the fictional Beach City, where ageless alien warriors, the Crystal Gems, live in an ancient beachside temple, protecting the world from evil. They project female humanoid forms from magical gemstones that are the core of their being. The Crystal Gems are Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and Steven, a young half-human, half-Gem boy who inherited his gemstone from his mother, the Gems' former leader Rose Quartz. As Steven tries to figure out his powers, he spends his days with his human father Greg, his friend Connie, other people in Beach City, or the other Gems, whether to help them save the world or just to hang out. He explores the abilities passed down to him by his mother, which include fusion (the ability of Gems to merge their identities and bodies to form a new and more powerful personality).
回复 :故事发生在虚构的未来世界,彼时,人类因为疏忽和大意而失去了制海权,海洋,成为了人们可望而不可即的所在,盘踞在那里的,是一股名为“深海栖舰”的强大势力。为了同这股势力抗争,一群名为“舰娘”的女孩子们出现了,在她们的体内,栖息着舰艇之魂,亦是明日呢化身成为各式各样的战舰,为了人类的和平做着不懈的努力。平日里,舰娘们在名为“镇守府”的大本营里进行日常生活和训练,某日,一位名叫吹雪(上坂堇 配音)的活泼女孩出现在了大家的面前,初来乍到的她踌躇满志,热情满满地加入了舰队的新生活中去,在这里,充满了精彩和刺激的日常就此展开。
回复 :故事发生在一个以“梦”为力量的虚幻世界之中,对于这里的居民们来说,梦是非常重要的东西。然而,一种名为“食梦兽”的魔物出现了,它们以梦为食,成为了这个世界里最大也是最致命的威胁。 女主人公在误打误撞之中穿越到了这个世界里,成为了拯救世界的希望,她需要唤醒沉睡的王子们,借助他们的力量来击退魔物。性格认真外冷内热的阿维(铃村健一 配音)、性格单纯可爱有时有些稍稍任性的希纳塔(村濑步 配音)、成熟稳重拥有美丽外表的白叶(森久保祥太郎 配音)、唯唯诺诺十分软弱但也有着意外坚强一面的紫雨(保志总一朗 配音),这些王子们接二连三的出现在了女主人公的身边。