国产A cheerful yet serious Indonesian Romeo and Juliet. A boy and a girl from the same district, but with difficult childhoods and other reasons not to acknowledge their love. Through the ...
国产A cheerful yet serious Indonesian Romeo and Juliet. A boy and a girl from the same district, but with difficult childhoods and other reasons not to acknowledge their love. Through the ...
回复 :永不言败且锱铢必较的河野悦子(石原里美 饰),经过校阅部门的磨练,终于如愿跻身于梦寐以求的时尚杂志《Lassy》,成为一名风光的时尚编辑。可是好景不长,为了扭转逐渐下滑的销量,景凡社请来了手腕强硬的二阶堂凛(木村佳乃 饰)担任主编。在新主编的手下,悦子既感到空前的压力,同时也凭借自己执着的劲头得到对方赏识。与此同时,幸人(菅田将晖 饰)新作出版在即,出版社为他安排了乖巧的美女编辑担任责编。由于聚少离多,悦子发现女编辑在全权照料幸人的起居时,不禁心下慌乱。而在工作之中,悦子的志向也和二阶堂发生了分歧……
回复 :泰满(金相庆 饰)和妻子智秀(文贞熙 饰)结婚多年,两人共同养育着可爱的女儿雅莹(崔达仁 饰),尽管个性懦弱的泰满是个成事不足败事有余的失败者,但这个家庭由强悍精明的智秀撑着,日子倒也算是能过得下去,泰满对现状也就持有着得过且过的态度。只是这样的爸爸在雅莹的心目中地位十分低下,父女两人之间的关系一直不尴不尬。某日,泰满忽然发现雅莹竟然将自己当成一件商品一样的“租赁”了出去,“客户”竟然还不少。了解了女儿对自己恨铁不成钢的感情,泰满决定振作起来,通过做别人的“临时爸爸”,来学习身为一个称职的父亲所必备的品质。
回复 :Claudia and Maria, roam the streets of the city of Guatemala. Claudia works at a call center and is uninterested in the world around her. She lives with her activist grandfather, who tries to persuade her to join his cause. Maria unlike Claudia, is more spontaneous and lives with her mother in the outskirts of the city. The chaotic streets are filled with common stories of abuse, unforgiving police officers, and charming secret corners. Everything changes one night when they are attacked by three men. Although they manage to escape, Claudia is faced with the dilemma of choosing revenge or listening to her grandfather’s advice.