回复 :Walerian Borowczyk唯一的一部动画长片,原长80分钟,之后出了个几分钟的concert精简版。This is perhaps one of the funnies, yet most bizarre movies I have ever seen. I am in awe. Heavily surreal. Every scene has so much creative power and craziness you just can't avoid being fascinated by it.There's a story too of course, but I'm not sure I'd dare to try and explain it.. It was all so confusing. Well, there's Mrs. Kabal.. a funny old lady which seems to think she's something important(like the old lady in Sunset Blv. or something..) And there's butterflies, and Mr. Kabal, and a huge house.. and these strangelooking creatures.. and so much details. Its so funny. At one point Mr. Kabal tries to puncture a hole in Mrs. Kabals huge chest, and instead of it shrinking.. the whole woman grows into a giant! And then Mr. Kabal finds the hole in her stomach and comes into this huge building inside her with stairs, windows and stuff..And then Mrs. Kabal was shouting at him to do tasks in there. It was all pretty weird to follow. But there was a story going on. See this if you get the chance!
回复 :主角是一名25岁的成年女性·名鸟花,因为表妹不愿意上学,所以只好自己打扮成高中生的样子帮她去上学。虽然二人因为长相相似不容易被察觉,但名鸟花却在上学的第一天就被曾是自己的同学、现在是世界史老师的蟹江亮人识破。作为保守秘密的交换,蟹江就对她展开了一些大人的指导……
回复 :故事开始讲述了富家大少爷“咸鱼哥”因为过于奢靡的生活作风被父亲扫地出门,被迫开始来姨妈家打工养活自己的日常故事。天生自带“丧”的特质,没了以前的少爷生活,打工让他体会到了穷,但浪还是要一样的浪。这里的岛民与众不同,咸鱼哥和他们每天都发生着爆笑的故事。