回复 :著名的“吐槽宗师”杰夫·罗斯将带来全新的喜剧剧集《历史名人吐槽会》,该剧集每集时长半小时,汇集了一流的喜剧演员,他们身着相应时代的服装,感怀历史上的杰出人物,从总统(亚伯拉罕·林肯)到摇滚巨星(弗莱迪·默克里),形形色色的人物都有。这部总共六集的剧集根据洛杉矶的同名真人秀节目改编,围绕“给历史上一堂课”这一主题,每集以独特的方式“猛烈吐槽”,向当代一些重要的声音致敬。《历史名人吐槽会》将于 5 月 27 日星期一在 Netflix 上面向全球首播,由知名的喜剧嘉宾明星出演,其中包括鲍勃·萨盖特、约翰·斯塔莫斯、娜塔莎·赖格罗、贾里尔·怀特、佛莱德·威拉特、尼基·格拉泽、蕾切尔·范斯坦、瑞恩·菲利普、肯·马里诺、吉尔伯特·戈特弗雷德、赛斯·格林、亚马奈卡·桑德斯和尼尔·布伦南等。该剧集由 OBB Pictures 出品。
回复 :This documentary tells the forgotten stories of some of the most influential personal computer pioneers in the San Francisco Bay Area. In the late 1960s, big mainframe computers owned by large corporations and the government were seen as tools of control. The Hippie movement and the anti-Vietnam war protests served as a hotbed for a revolutionary idea: creating an affordable home computer to be used by ordinary people as a counterbalance to Big Brother. Well, the rest is history, but what has happened to the early ideals and the initial ethos of free sharing? As one of the visionaries puts it: "It's true that what I helped to create is today's establishment. That's what I was trying to get rid of: the establishment."
回复 :官方宣布第二季