回复 :住在北海道的主人公・外村直樹(山崎賢人)和高中钢琴的调音师・板鳥宗一郎(三浦友和)相遇开始。在板鳥调音后的钢琴音色中外村仿佛感受到了森林的气息,为这个工作以及调音师的世界所吸引而开始在板鳥所在的乐器店工作。 因钢琴而联系到一起的人们中,他还遇到了高中生钢琴姐妹和音和由仁 ……。经历了烦恼,迷茫,挫折后成长的青年钢琴调音师的故事。
回复 :Julien Duvivier最好的作品之一也是他认为自己所有默片中最喜欢的一部。SummaryBullied by his matriarchal mother, abused by his siblings, ignored by his father, Poil de Carotte's childhood is as miserable as it could be. An illegitimate child, he is the main reason for the enmity which exists between his parents, who continue to live together just to keep up appearances. In the end, Poil de Carotte's suffering becomes more than he can bear...ReviewDrawing heavily on the poignant novel by Jules Renard on which it is based, Poil de carotte is a modest yet appealing film which has stood the test of time mainly because of the quality of its acting performances and its inherent humanity. It is more memorable than Julien Duvivier's earlier silent version of 1925, also named Poil de Carotte.The part of Poil de Carotte was played by 11 year old Robert Lynen, who was alleged to have been discovered whilst walking down the Champs-Elysées in Paris. Lynen is totally captivating and the film made him an instant star, launching what looked like becoming a very promising film career – until he was shot dead whilst fighting against the Germans in 1944. Harry Baur, a legendary stage and film actor (who also died during World War II, allegedly at the hands of the Gestapo), also turns in a typically fine performance. The reconciliation between father and son at the end of the film provides its most enduring image, enough to melt the heart of all but the most stoical of spectators.
回复 :卢克(洛根·安托弗莫 Logann Antuofermo 饰)是一名出身平凡的小镇青年,他只身一人前往巴黎求学,在那里邂逅了名为杰米拉(欧莱雅·阿玛拉 Oulaya Amamra 饰)的美丽女子,两人之间很快就发展出了一段浪漫的关系。实际上,卢克在老家有一个交往多年的女 友让娜(路易丝·舍维约特 Louise Chevillotte 饰),当卢克返回老家后,他和杰米拉渐渐疏远了,反倒是和让娜旧情重燃,不仅如此,让娜的腹中还怀上了他的骨肉。一封录取通知书的到来意味着卢克必须离开让娜,返回巴黎继续深造,他抛弃了让娜,并且和一个名叫贝茜(Souheila Yacoub 饰)的女孩走进了一段新的关系中。被抛弃的杰米拉将整件事情都告诉了卢克的父亲(安德烈·维尔姆斯 André Wilms 饰),与此同时,卢克发现贝茜不是一个省油的灯。