孟云(韩庚 饰)和余飞(郑恺 饰)这对难兄难弟,灼灼在历经情场的洗礼之后,灼灼终于来到了谈婚论嫁的年纪。面对家人的催促,正在经历“分手后遗症”的孟云,带着“为什么要结婚”的疑问,开始寻找真爱;而余飞和女友丁点(曾梦雪 饰)为了应对结婚后即将产生的各种情况,自创了“结婚冷静期”,将婚后生活提前预演。一个在寻爱之路上越来越迷茫,一个在体验婚姻生活后问题频出,两兄弟纷纷面临着新的情感难题……
孟云(韩庚 饰)和余飞(郑恺 饰)这对难兄难弟,灼灼在历经情场的洗礼之后,灼灼终于来到了谈婚论嫁的年纪。面对家人的催促,正在经历“分手后遗症”的孟云,带着“为什么要结婚”的疑问,开始寻找真爱;而余飞和女友丁点(曾梦雪 饰)为了应对结婚后即将产生的各种情况,自创了“结婚冷静期”,将婚后生活提前预演。一个在寻爱之路上越来越迷茫,一个在体验婚姻生活后问题频出,两兄弟纷纷面临着新的情感难题……
回复 :智炫是首尔一所大学的新生。他来自一个小镇,习惯于住在安静的乡村。搬到繁忙的韩国首都让他感到迷失方向和困惑。与此同时,年长的宰元在完成义务兵役后,返回首尔——以及同一所大学。两人开始对彼此产生好奇心。当他们加入了同一个冲浪俱乐部时,他们的关系开始升温。
回复 :Danny Bishop is a gambling prodigy. After exiling himself to prison, he returns to his brothers home only to find himself back in the game because of a large debt for his protection in prison. He cons a group of high stakes gamblers, including his vicious rival, Alex, to a tournament. The story is a delicate balance between the tension of the game and the strained relationship with his brother.
回复 :A singer swaps the political intimidation of working in East Germany for the equally controlling capitalist music industry in the West.