回复 :两个青少年想摆脱他们平凡的生活,通过研究巫术,无意中召唤出了被称为“盲眼人”的古老恶魔。
回复 :午夜时分,一辆出租车驶进一条胡同里。两女一男三名乘客谋财害命勒死女司机之后却发现女司机的尸体不翼而飞,这时车外出现可怕的鬼影……北漂作家徐子(陈小春 饰)怀才不遇,在北京和女友林贞(邓紫衣 饰)一起生活。为了贴补家用和寻找小说素材,在女友的鼓励下,徐子开始做起了“的哥”。开车的辛苦在徐子眼里倒也无所谓,然而一件接一件的怪事却让徐子摸不着头脑。为了搞清楚发生在那辆诡异的出租车为何凭空消失,里面若隐若现的影子是人是鬼,徐子在女友的陪伴下开始了午夜的追踪。在此期间,与徐子要好的同事积劳成疾,最终而心肌梗塞而离开人世。几经波折之后,徐子终于追踪到了那个盗用自己出租车的“鬼影”。然尔,让他始料不及的是他还发现另一件事情……
回复 :An intimate celebration of George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley’s enduring friendship, from childhood and through their years together as one of the UK’s biggest bands. Michael and Ridgeley met at school in Bushy, near the town of Watford. They first formed the ska band The Executive before going on to release their first single as Wham!, Wham Rap! in June 1982. Success wasn’t immediate, but when it finally came, the pair crested a wave of success that continued until their farewell concert, The Final, at Wembley Stadium in June 1986. Chris Smith’s hugely entertaining film offers full and unprecedented access to the band’s archive, including unseen footage and interviews with the duo. The result is a nuanced portrait of an enduring friendship and a joyous musical travelogue.