回复 :Dante has a beautiful relationship with his girlfriend Alice, but he has a bad one with Time: absorbed by the many commitments of his daily life, he always arrives late and has the impression that his life is flowing too quickly. It also happens on the first day of his forty years, when Dante shows up hours late at his birthday party. According to him, the solution seems at hand: if he works hard enough, maybe in a few years he will be able to buy some time.
回复 :Two young London con artists, one British, one American, live as lonely bachelors in their secret hideout apartment thinking of new ways to financially fleece their victims. When they hire Georgie, their new secretary, they don't take into account the effect she will have on their hearts. A great British pop soundtrack and the resplendent Kate Beckinsale do wonders for this breezy entry.
回复 :杨宝辉(程旭辉 饰)、杨宝强(梁智强 饰)和杨宝煌(李国煌 饰)是情同手足的三兄弟,彼此之间感情十分要好,尽管生长在同一个家庭之中,但当他们成年步入社会后,却分别走向了三个不同的阶级,过着三段迥然相异的人生。杨宝辉靠做保健品传销发家,尽管在短时间内赚得盆满钵满,但很快问题一一显现,劣质的产品甚至威胁到了顾客的健康,而杨宝辉一家人的生活就此陷入了窘境。杨宝强靠着自己的努力成为了大老板,尽管不愁吃穿,但内心始终有危机感,为了赚得更多,杨宝强投资起了房地产,却跌了大跟头。杨宝煌是传销公司的区域代理,事业经营的风生水起,可始终没有什么存款,实属月光一族。他们在金钱面前做出的选择,亦是对人生的选择。